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PostPosted: 22 Jun 2019, 19:03 
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Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 14:42
Posts: 915
Location: Equestria
Джа, Стас? Поделитесь.
Кроме простейшего запуска ничего не знаю и никакой документации у нас нету.
./Doom2DF_H -map megawads/doom2d.wad:\\MAP02 -mode COOP -pl 0 -port 25667

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2019, 16:42 
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Joined: 24 Jan 2012, 15:18
Posts: 1425
Location: Москва
DeaDDooMER wrote:
Джа, Стас? Поделитесь.

Конфиг моего сервера:
Doom2DF_H.exe -exec df_tdmctf.txt

// set aliases
alias tdm_set "g_scorelimit 20"
alias ctf_set "g_scorelimit 8"
alias jordan_set "g_scorelimit 80"

alias tdm1 "g_gamemode TDM; nextmap SUPERDM MAP02"
alias tdm2 "g_gamemode TDM; nextmap Castlevania"
alias tdm3 "g_gamemode TDM; nextmap PrikolSoft MAP05"
alias tdm4 "g_gamemode TDM; nextmap techbuilding_j"
alias tdm5 "g_gamemode TDM; nextmap PrikolSoft MAP07"
alias tdm6 "g_gamemode TDM; nextmap Laboration"
alias tdm7 "g_gamemode TDM; nextmap chernobyl"
alias tdm8 "g_gamemode TDM; nextmap world-map"

alias ctf1 "g_gamemode CTF; nextmap DF_CTF_Maps MAP05"
alias ctf2 "g_gamemode CTF; nextmap jordan2"
alias ctf3 "g_gamemode CTF; nextmap DF_CTF_Maps MAP02"
alias ctf4 "g_gamemode CTF; nextmap DF_CTF_Maps MAP03"
alias ctf5 "g_gamemode CTF; nextmap Bloodpack CTF_MAP01"

alias cmap0 "call tdm_set; event onmapstart call tdm2; event onmapend call cmap1"
alias cmap1 "call tdm_set; event onmapstart call ctf1; event onmapend call cmap2"
alias cmap2 "call ctf_set; event onmapstart call tdm3; event onmapend call cmap3"
alias cmap3 "call tdm_set; event onmapstart call tdm4; event onmapend call cmap4"
alias cmap4 "call tdm_set; event onmapstart call ctf2; event onmapend call cmap5"
alias cmap5 "call jordan_set; event onmapstart call tdm5; event onmapend call cmap6"
alias cmap6 "call tdm_set; event onmapstart call tdm6; event onmapend call cmap7"
alias cmap7 "call tdm_set; event onmapstart call ctf4; event onmapend call cmap8"
alias cmap8 "call ctf_set; event onmapstart call tdm7; event onmapend call cmap9"
alias cmap9 "call tdm_set; event onmapstart call tdm8; event onmapend call cmap10"
alias cmap10 "call tdm_set; event onmapstart call ctf5; event onmapend call cmap11"
alias cmap11 "call ctf_set; event onmapstart call tdm1; event onmapend call cmap0"

// set vars before server start
sv_name "[msk] Teamplay Forever"
g_allow_monsters 1
g_weaponstay 1
g_gamemode TDM

// start the server (or local-only game for testing)
host 25667 SUPERDM MAP02 0
//game SUPERDM MAP02

// this var can be set only in game (once server is started)
g_timelimit 720
// call aliases for next map
call tdm2
call cmap0

by Stas'M

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2019, 19:29 
Site Admin
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Joined: 17 Oct 2009, 23:43
Posts: 7590
Location: \\HULK
@echo off
echo Doom 2D Forever 667 Update Batch
echo ================================
if not exist unzip.exe goto fial
if not exist nugget.exe goto fial

if not exist Doom2DF.log goto skiplog
echo Writing game log
echo >> overall.log
date /T >> overall.log
type dfserver.log >> overall.log
del dfserver.log

echo Killing exe
taskkill /im doom2df.exe /f
taskkill /im doom2df_h.exe /f

echo Saving backup copies...
if not exist backup md backup
if not exist backup\data md backup\data

move /Y doom2df.exe backup
echo doom2DF.exe copied
move /Y doom2df_h.exe backup
echo doom2DF_H.exe copied
move /Y editor.exe backup
echo editor.exe copied
rem move /Y data\game.wad backup\data\game.wad
rem echo game.wad copied
echo Cleaning the trash...
if exist del
if exist del
rem if exist game.wad del game.wad

echo Updating doom2DF.exe and doom2DF_H.exe...
unzip -o

echo Updating editor.exe
unzip -o

rem echo Updating game.wad
rem nugget
rem move /Y game.wad data

echo Cleaning the trash again...
if exist del
if exist del
rem if exist game.wad del game.wad
:goto exit
:goto exit
echo Goodbye and have a nice day!
call runserver.bat

@chcp 1251
Doom2DF_H.exe -map PrikolSoft.wad:\MAP01 -gm DM -port 25667 -pl 0 -exec maplist.txt --log-file dfserver.log

alias addbots "addbot 2; addbot 2"
alias pacman "bot_addlist 7; bot_addlist 8; bot_addlist 9; bot_addlist 10;"
alias ctf_bots_1 "bot_addlist 7 red; bot_addlist 8 blue;"
alias ctf_bots_2 "bot_addlist 7 red; bot_addlist 8 red; bot_addlist 9 blue; bot_addlist 10 blue;"

alias ctf "g_gamemode ctf;g_timelimit 800;g_scorelimit 6;say CTF"
alias tdm "g_gamemode tdm;g_timelimit 800;g_scorelimit 30;say TDM"
alias dm "g_gamemode dm;g_timelimit 800;g_scorelimit 30;say DM"
alias coop "g_gamemode coop;g_timelimit 1800;say Coop"

#Дальше список карт                                                         
alias cmap01 "event onmapstart nextmap microdm.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap02"
alias cmap02 "event onmapstart nextmap riftlab.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap03"
alias cmap03 "event onmapstart nextmap HOT_DM_MAPS.wad MAP01; event onmapend call           cmap04"
alias cmap04 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP08; event onmapend call            cmap05"
alias cmap05 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP04; event onmapend call                 cmap06"
alias cmap06 "event onmapstart nextmap firstdm.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap07"
alias cmap07 "event onmapstart nextmap Bloodlust.wad MAP01; event onmapend call             cmap08"
alias cmap08 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP03; event onmapend call                cmap09"
alias cmap09 "event onmapstart nextmap techbuilding_j.wad MAP01; event onmapend call          cmap10"
alias cmap10 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP07; event onmapend call            cmap11"
alias cmap11 "event onmapstart nextmap hot_dm_maps.wad DM03; event onmapend call            cmap12"
alias cmap12 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP03; event onmapend call                 cmap13"
alias cmap13 "event onmapstart nextmap Castlevania.wad MAP01; event onmapend call           cmap14"
alias cmap14 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                 cmap15"
alias cmap15 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap16"
alias cmap16 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap17"
alias cmap17 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP07; event onmapend call            cmap18"
alias cmap18 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP06; event onmapend call                cmap19"
alias cmap19 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP05; event onmapend call                 cmap20"
alias cmap20 "event onmapstart nextmap dm_damage.wad MAP01; event onmapend call             cmap21"
alias cmap21 "event onmapstart nextmap HOT_DM_MAPS.wad MAP03; event onmapend call           cmap22"
alias cmap22 "event onmapstart nextmap blocked.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap23"
alias cmap23 "event onmapstart nextmap 64DM.wad MAP03; event onmapend call                  cmap24"
alias cmap24 "event onmapstart nextmap HOT_DM_MAPS.wad MAP02; event onmapend call           cmap25"
alias cmap25 "event onmapstart nextmap mus-16x16k.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap26"
alias cmap26 "event onmapstart nextmap fastway.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap27"
alias cmap27 "event onmapstart nextmap bloodpack_j1.wad MAP01; event onmapend call          cmap28"
alias cmap28 "event onmapstart nextmap hot_dm_maps.wad DM01; event onmapend call            cmap29"
alias cmap29 "event onmapstart nextmap prikolsoft.wad MAP05; event onmapend call            cmap30"
alias cmap30 "event onmapstart nextmap 64DM.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                  cmap31"
alias cmap31 "event onmapstart nextmap bloodpack_j1.wad MAP02; event onmapend call          cmap32"
alias cmap32 "event onmapstart nextmap Lift.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                  cmap33"
alias cmap33 "event onmapstart nextmap deadline.wad MAP01; event onmapend call              cmap34"
alias cmap34 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP03; event onmapend call            cmap35"
alias cmap35 "event onmapstart nextmap slayers.wad MAP04; event onmapend call               cmap36"
alias cmap36 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP04; event onmapend call                cmap37"
alias cmap37 "event onmapstart nextmap pyramid.dfz MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap38"
alias cmap38 "event onmapstart nextmap EmptyCity.wad MAP01; event onmapend call             cmap39"
alias cmap39 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP10; event onmapend call                 cmap40"
alias cmap40 "event onmapstart nextmap bloodpack_j1.wad MAP06; event onmapend call          cmap41"
alias cmap41 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP11; event onmapend call                 cmap42"
alias cmap42 "event onmapstart nextmap tubes.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                 cmap43"
alias cmap43 "event onmapstart nextmap SuperDM.wad MAP02; event onmapend call               cmap44"
alias cmap44 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP06; event onmapend call            cmap45"
alias cmap45 "event onmapstart nextmap 64DM.wad MAP05; event onmapend call                  cmap46"
alias cmap46 "event onmapstart nextmap Flamevania.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap47"
alias cmap47 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP02; event onmapend call                cmap48"
alias cmap48 "event onmapstart nextmap hospdm.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap49"
alias cmap49 "event onmapstart nextmap icecold.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap50"
alias cmap50 "event onmapstart nextmap apprehension.wad MAP01; event onmapend call          cmap51"
alias cmap51 "event onmapstart nextmap lomaj.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                 cmap52"
alias cmap52 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap53"
alias cmap53 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP14; event onmapend call                 cmap54"
alias cmap54 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP05; event onmapend call                cmap55"
alias cmap55 "event onmapstart nextmap Bloodpack_j1.wad MAP05; event onmapend call          cmap56"
alias cmap56 "event onmapstart nextmap GEOLOGICAL_BASE_II.WAD MAP01; event onmapend call    cmap57"
alias cmap57 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP02; event onmapend call            cmap58"
alias cmap58 "event onmapstart nextmap 64DM.wad MAP02; event onmapend call                  cmap59"
alias cmap59 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP06; event onmapend call            cmap60"
alias cmap60 "event onmapstart nextmap bloodpack_j1.wad MAP04; event onmapend call          cmap61"
alias cmap61 "event onmapstart nextmap Ascent.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap62"
alias cmap62 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP09; event onmapend call                 cmap63"
alias cmap63 "event onmapstart nextmap Laboration.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap64"
alias cmap64 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP08; event onmapend call                 cmap65"
alias cmap65 "event onmapstart nextmap dash.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                  cmap67"
#alias cmap66 "event onmapstart nextmap arheodm.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap67"
alias cmap67 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP06; event onmapend call                 cmap68"
alias cmap68 "event onmapstart nextmap stargazers_ae.wad MAP01; event onmapend call         cmap69"
alias cmap69 "event onmapstart nextmap Phobos.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap70"
alias cmap70 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP07; event onmapend call                 cmap71"
alias cmap71 "event onmapstart nextmap blocked2.wad MAP01; event onmapend call              cmap72"
alias cmap72 "event onmapstart nextmap paindm_j1.wad MAP01; event onmapend call             cmap73"
alias cmap73 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP_j1.wad MAP13; event onmapend call              cmap74"
alias cmap74 "event onmapstart nextmap megadm-hipster.wad MAP01; event onmapend call        cmap75"
alias cmap75 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP08; event onmapend call            cmap76"
alias cmap76 "event onmapstart nextmap meat.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                  cmap77"
alias cmap77 "event onmapstart nextmap MegaDM.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap78"
alias cmap78 "event onmapstart nextmap superdm-3d.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap79"
alias cmap79 "event onmapstart nextmap IDM.wad MAP03; event onmapend call                   cmap80"
alias cmap80 "event onmapstart nextmap DDFHW_M6.dfz MAP01; event onmapend call              cmap01"

event oninter ""
event onmapend call         cmap01
map PrikolSoft.wad MAP04
g_scorelimit 30
g_timelimit 800
g_weaponstay 1
g_allow_monsters 1
#call addbots

В папке с игрой у меня еще живет утилитка nugget для автоапдейта.

Старая версия шкриптов (на всякий случай):

@echo off
echo Updating DF 667
call kill doom2df_h.exe

echo Writing game log
echo . >> overall.log
date /T >> overall.log
type Doom2DF.log >> overall.log

unzip -o

move /Y game.wad data

unzip -o

call runserver.bat

@chcp 1251
Doom2DF_H.exe -map PrikolSoft.wad:\MAP01 -gm DM -port 25667 -pl 0 -exec maplist.txt

alias addbots "addbot 2; addbot 2"
alias pacman "bot_addlist 7; bot_addlist 8; bot_addlist 9; bot_addlist 10;"
alias ctf_bots_1 "bot_addlist 7 red; bot_addlist 8 blue;"
alias ctf_bots_2 "bot_addlist 7 red; bot_addlist 8 red; bot_addlist 9 blue; bot_addlist 10 blue;"

alias ctf "g_gamemode ctf;g_timelimit 800;g_scorelimit 6;say CTF"
alias tdm "g_gamemode tdm;g_timelimit 800;g_scorelimit 30;say TDM"
alias dm "g_gamemode dm;g_timelimit 800;g_scorelimit 30;say DM"
alias coop "g_gamemode coop;g_timelimit 1800;say Coop"

#Дальше список карт                                                         
alias cmap01 "event onmapstart nextmap microdm.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap02"
alias cmap02 "event onmapstart nextmap riftlab.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap03"
alias cmap03 "event onmapstart nextmap HOT_DM_MAPS.wad MAP01; event onmapend call           cmap04"
alias cmap04 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP08; event onmapend call            cmap05"
alias cmap05 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP04; event onmapend call                 cmap06"
alias cmap06 "event onmapstart nextmap firstdm.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap07"
alias cmap07 "event onmapstart nextmap Bloodlust.wad MAP01; event onmapend call             cmap08"
alias cmap08 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP03; event onmapend call                cmap09"
alias cmap09 "event onmapstart nextmap techbuilding_j.wad MAP01; event onmapend call          cmap10"
alias cmap10 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP07; event onmapend call            cmap11"
alias cmap11 "event onmapstart nextmap hot_dm_maps.wad DM03; event onmapend call            cmap12"
alias cmap12 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP03; event onmapend call                 cmap13"
alias cmap13 "event onmapstart nextmap Castlevania.wad MAP01; event onmapend call           cmap14"
alias cmap14 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                 cmap15"
alias cmap15 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap16"
alias cmap16 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap17"
alias cmap17 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP07; event onmapend call            cmap19"
#alias cmap18 "event onmapstart nextmap hot_dm_maps.wad DM02; event onmapend call            cmap19"
alias cmap19 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP05; event onmapend call                 cmap20"
alias cmap20 "event onmapstart nextmap dm_damage.wad MAP01; event onmapend call             cmap21"
alias cmap21 "event onmapstart nextmap HOT_DM_MAPS.wad MAP03; event onmapend call           cmap22"
alias cmap22 "event onmapstart nextmap blocked.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap23"
alias cmap23 "event onmapstart nextmap 64DM.wad MAP03; event onmapend call                  cmap24"
alias cmap24 "event onmapstart nextmap HOT_DM_MAPS.wad MAP02; event onmapend call           cmap25"
alias cmap25 "event onmapstart nextmap mus-16x16k.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap26"
alias cmap26 "event onmapstart nextmap fastway.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap27"
alias cmap27 "event onmapstart nextmap bloodpack_j1.wad MAP01; event onmapend call          cmap28"
alias cmap28 "event onmapstart nextmap hot_dm_maps.wad DM01; event onmapend call            cmap29"
alias cmap29 "event onmapstart nextmap prikolsoft.wad MAP05; event onmapend call            cmap30"
alias cmap30 "event onmapstart nextmap 64DM.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                  cmap31"
alias cmap31 "event onmapstart nextmap bloodpack_j1.wad MAP02; event onmapend call          cmap32"
alias cmap32 "event onmapstart nextmap Lift.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                  cmap33"
alias cmap33 "event onmapstart nextmap deadline.wad MAP01; event onmapend call              cmap34"
alias cmap34 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP03; event onmapend call            cmap35"
alias cmap35 "event onmapstart nextmap slayers.wad MAP04; event onmapend call               cmap36"
alias cmap36 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP04; event onmapend call                cmap37"
alias cmap37 "event onmapstart nextmap pyramid.dfz MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap38"
alias cmap38 "event onmapstart nextmap EmptyCity.wad MAP01; event onmapend call             cmap39"
alias cmap39 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP10; event onmapend call                 cmap40"
alias cmap40 "event onmapstart nextmap bloodpack_j1.wad MAP06; event onmapend call          cmap41"
alias cmap41 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP11; event onmapend call                 cmap42"
alias cmap42 "event onmapstart nextmap tubes.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                 cmap43"
alias cmap43 "event onmapstart nextmap SuperDM.wad MAP02; event onmapend call               cmap44"
alias cmap44 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP06; event onmapend call            cmap45"
alias cmap45 "event onmapstart nextmap 64DM.wad MAP05; event onmapend call                  cmap46"
alias cmap46 "event onmapstart nextmap Flamevania.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap47"
alias cmap47 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP02; event onmapend call                cmap48"
alias cmap48 "event onmapstart nextmap hospdm.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap49"
alias cmap49 "event onmapstart nextmap icecold.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap50"
alias cmap50 "event onmapstart nextmap apprehension_j1.wad MAP01; event onmapend call          cmap51"
alias cmap51 "event onmapstart nextmap lomaj.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                 cmap52"
alias cmap52 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap53"
alias cmap53 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP14; event onmapend call                 cmap54"
alias cmap54 "event onmapstart nextmap DDF_HW.wad MAP05; event onmapend call                cmap55"
alias cmap55 "event onmapstart nextmap Bloodpack_j1.wad MAP05; event onmapend call          cmap56"
alias cmap56 "event onmapstart nextmap GEOLOGICAL_BASE_II.WAD MAP01; event onmapend call    cmap57"
alias cmap57 "event onmapstart nextmap Prikolsoft.wad MAP02; event onmapend call            cmap58"
alias cmap58 "event onmapstart nextmap 64DM.wad MAP02; event onmapend call                  cmap59"
alias cmap59 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP06; event onmapend call            cmap60"
alias cmap60 "event onmapstart nextmap bloodpack_j1.wad MAP04; event onmapend call          cmap61"
alias cmap61 "event onmapstart nextmap Ascent.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap62"
alias cmap62 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP09; event onmapend call                 cmap63"
alias cmap63 "event onmapstart nextmap Laboration.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap64"
alias cmap64 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP08; event onmapend call                 cmap65"
alias cmap65 "event onmapstart nextmap dash.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                  cmap67"
#alias cmap66 "event onmapstart nextmap arheodm.wad MAP01; event onmapend call               cmap67"
alias cmap67 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP06; event onmapend call                 cmap68"
alias cmap68 "event onmapstart nextmap stargazers_ae.wad MAP01; event onmapend call         cmap69"
alias cmap69 "event onmapstart nextmap Phobos.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap70"
alias cmap70 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP.wad MAP07; event onmapend call                 cmap71"
alias cmap71 "event onmapstart nextmap blocked2.wad MAP01; event onmapend call              cmap72"
alias cmap72 "event onmapstart nextmap paindm_j1.wad MAP01; event onmapend call             cmap73"
alias cmap73 "event onmapstart nextmap SurMP_j1.wad MAP13; event onmapend call              cmap74"
alias cmap74 "event onmapstart nextmap megadm-hipster.wad MAP01; event onmapend call        cmap75"
alias cmap75 "event onmapstart nextmap DF_DM_Maps.wad MAP08; event onmapend call            cmap76"
alias cmap76 "event onmapstart nextmap meat.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                  cmap77"
alias cmap77 "event onmapstart nextmap MegaDM.wad MAP01; event onmapend call                cmap78"
alias cmap78 "event onmapstart nextmap superdm-3d.wad MAP01; event onmapend call            cmap79"
alias cmap79 "event onmapstart nextmap IDM.wad MAP03; event onmapend call                   cmap80"
alias cmap80 "event onmapstart nextmap DDFHW_M6.dfz MAP01; event onmapend call              cmap01"

event oninter ""
event onmapend call cmap01
map PrikolSoft.wad MAP04
g_scorelimit 30
g_timelimit 800
g_weaponstay 1
g_allow_monsters 1
#call addbots

nugget.exe [25 KiB]
Downloaded 391 times

И неважно, что нет морей на Марсе, каждый морпех носит море в сердце.
PostPosted: 04 Jul 2023, 14:32 
Шерлок Холмс
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Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 23:28
Posts: 423
Location: Equestrian Wasteland.
В мае fl0atingzero aka k_1nspired просил у меня рабочий вариант списка. Ещё до этого хотелось всё его вычистить и выпульнуть сюда, но в итоге не получилось, сейчас же, когда я вновь наткнулся на эту тему, вспомнил, что хотел. Заодно дальше подчистил пример, который прикрепляю сюда.

Важные пояснения по работе:
1) Строки после # [SERVERSTARTSETTING] трогать нельзя, кроме названия алиаса;
2) В самом конце обязательно должен стоять вызов карты, иначе не запустится.

Запускается командой (как пример):

Doom2DF_H -map PrikolSoft.wad:\\MAP01 -gm DM -port 25667 -exec th-dm.txt --log-file dfserver_dm.log

Тем самым образом, оно сначала запустит сервер на одной карте, затем переключится на другую и выставленные параметры в SERVERSTARTSETTINGS сработают как положено.

Известные приколы/баги:

1. Кооператив запускать необходимо командой, предварительно выкинув выставление карты (команда map в конце списка) после запуска:
Doom2DF_H -map $ПЕРВЫЙ_ВАД_В_СПИСКЕ$:\\MAP01 -gm COOP -port 25667 -exec th-dm.txt --log-file dfserver_dm.log
В противном случае, ваш сервер будет работать неправильно. Отрепорчено:

2. Survival/LMS/TLMS реализованы, но недоконца - warmup-таймер работает так, как ему захочется.

3. Срабатывание эвентов сделано через задницу, из-за чего не рекомендуется выставлять их в алиасах установки карты.

Наиполезнейшая инфа для составления конфигов/скриптов (в виде исходников для конвертации в мануалы):

Помощь в конфигурации любезно предоставили Jabberwock (правильный запуск) и fgsfds (правильная работа кооп-режима).

server_example.txt [32.54 KiB]
Downloaded 232 times

aka TerminalHash.
PostPosted: 04 Jul 2023, 16:34 
Site Admin
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Joined: 17 Oct 2009, 23:43
Posts: 7590
Location: \\HULK

И неважно, что нет морей на Марсе, каждый морпех носит море в сердце.

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